Preference:Dsl RJ332432 [PC version is not in English]
A person who seriously sees a cock bouncing vigorously in a beaker
It was in the basement, and there was a woman who had been studying alone for a long time.
The research she took several years to challenge was to resuscitate the body.
Frozen Kenzaki, a researcher living in a small house in Nariso City
Frozen has carried out a terrifying study from the bottom of her heart.
She had both a lesbian spirit and a penis-loving qualities
I want to grow a meat stick myself somehow
I tried the technique of physical treatment that I am good at
Formulate a special culture solution brought in from overseas
Days devoted to research
Collecting the human body that chose to die in the distant Aokigahara Forest
Carry it to the basement, cut off the penis and try to resuscitate
And a few years later
The research succeeds brilliantly
Sticks to the waist with terrifying vitality
Get the perfection until you can share your senses
Although I'm a little disappointed that no one is there
I was happy to have sex with a girl with this
But that this deed will bring disaster to the town
Frozen didn't know yet
2d,English,Sensitiveusernametranslate,Complete,Futa MC,monster,RPG,rpgm,

  • one press to move
  • one long press to speed up
  • two fingers at the same time to open menu
  • two fingers press during dialogue to hide dialogue box
https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ333000/RJ332432_img_smp2.webp https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ333000/RJ332432_img_smp3.webp https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ333000/RJ332432_img_smp4.webp https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ333000/RJ332432_img_smp5.webp
Work Uploaded 79.23 MB
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  1. It seems to get stuck in the apartment as you can't move when you enter the rooms.

  2. Same here boys, Boss?!!! Please fix this!!!


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